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Truck & Health Insurance

    Trck Insurance: By Quote

Our best business card is our service, we want you to understand the product you’re purchasing through a clear explanation of the coverage through a personal representative and with an administrative team that is in charge of everything related to certi?cates, ID Card certi?cates and handling of the TxDMV, if required by the client, after you get one of our policies.

The documents required for a more accurate quote are listed below:

1. Declaration page (First pages of your policy)

2. Name of the policy holder with his license number and date of birth, As well as the drivers that you will have within your policy.

3. The required coverages, their amounts and appraisal of vehicles in case of acquiring Physical Damage.

4. Loss Run, Certi?cate of the last three years of business in order to acquire better discounts with the insurance companies

5. Radius of miles required and cities to which you travel the most

6. VIN Numbers of the trucks and trailers

7. Looking forward to hearing from you.

ServicePro: Fino Services

Key Services  
  • N/A

Coverage: Local Service

Additional Information

Service ID:  SL200624144028

Service Group:  Transportation
Service Category:  Local Services
Service Type:  Insurance

Service Status:  Active